June 28, 2011

Happy Blogiversary

One year ago today I started my blog.  One year, 49 posts.  On one hand it seems like only yesterday, but when I look back to all the food, the photos, and the memories a year hardly seems long enough to hold them all.

I started My Food Life after I saw Kitchen-Em, a blog written by a friend and fellow dietitian.  I was mesmerized by her beautiful photos and immediately knew it was something I wanted to do.  In fact, I was sort of disappointed in myself that it hadn't occurred to me earlier.  I love all things food, and I especially love talking about food, so what better hobby could I find?   What I didn't realize at the time is what a huge impact blogging would have on my life.  I know that sounds dramatic and very cliche, but it is true.  Here is why....

First of all, it is fun.  My blog helps to chronicle my food adventures and serves as a momento of good times with friends and family.  It is a creative outlet that allows me express myself, share my experiences, tell stories and sometimes even educate on a topic that is near and dear to my heart.   It is very gratifying for me to put time and effort into something I am passionate about, in a manner that is productive and meaningful.  Actually, as I'm writing this I realize that my career in foodservice allows me the same thing, but this way I get to include pictures.  :)

Blogging has pushed me deeper into the culinary world and has encouraged me to do more with food.  It tempts me to try new recipes, experiment with ingredients, explore restaurants and find unique ways to share my love of food.  I follow many food blogs, and perusing through their photos and stories is both inspirational and educational.  Through them, I have learned so much about cuisine and capturing the essence of food and eating.  I always enjoyed cooking, but now I find myself creating in the kitchen as much for the blog as for my desire to eat.  It's actually a bit of a circular cause and effect.  I love food, therefore I blog about food.  Through blogging, I learn new things about food, blog about it, and I end up loving it even more....  

The other outcome of food blogging is that it has rekindled my interest (though underdeveloped) in photography.  Inevitably, simply taking pictures of food wasn't enough and it led to me wanting to truly learn about photography.  I've taken a few courses, both live and on-line, and my evening television viewing has been replaced with hours pouring over websites and blogs devoted to mastering the craft.  Looking through the lens has caused me to see the world differently.  I pay more attention to my surroundings, and I am constantly seeking the best light and angles as I'm composing photos in my mind.  It is a beautiful art, and I am humbled by the many wonderful photographers whose blogs and photo sites I follow.

Thank you to my wonderful boyfriend for always being the first one to read a new post, for encouraging me and for believing in my talent and abilities right from the beginning.

Thank you to my Mom for always contributing comments on my posts disguised as Teranga, the family cat.  

Thank you to my Dad for giving me the photographer gene and engaging in lots and lots of shop talk.

Thank you to my friends and family who are brave enough to dine with me and my camera, and who patiently wait to touch the food until I have gotten the perfect shot.

Thank you to my co-workers for indulging me and being loyal followers (especially because I stand over their computers and watch them as they read my posts.)

And thank you to my fellow food bloggers, my foodie friends, who have inspired me, who teach me, and who have let me into their virtual kitchens.

Time to start another year of living the food life.
Bon appetit!

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  1. It's possible that I may enjoy reading this blog even more than you enjoy creating it. I thoroughly enjoy your pictures and I can hear your voice so clearly through the words. Great job! I am excited to see what comes next.

  2. Congratulations!
    Cheers to you for more fun and deliciousness to come.

  3. I love reading you blog and seeing your awesome pics!
